Thursday, 25 November 2010

Premier snackfood

Today, the Premier of our province made a surprise announcement: he is resigning from public office, effective next week. This was surely universe-shattering to many locals, as "our Danny" is revered more highly in these parts than any ten popes.

Truly. The last voter-approval rating I recall seeing came in at 93%.

So, to honor Danny Williams, national icon and scrapper extraordinaire, SnackCastle is pleased to report on what is likely to be a sorrowfully neglected topic over these next few days: his dining preferences.

A performer on a popular TV comedy series once maintained that the Honourable Premier's favorites included "waffles" and "flounder". But don't be fooled; that was satire.

Similarly, for the purposes of this exercise, we'll exclude from the Premier's menu all those individuals of whom it has been said, surely with grains of credibility, "that Danny Williams had Person X for lunch."

But enough. Exhaustive investigations by the SnackCastle Research Department have uncovered that Danny Williams's favorite meal is ... drum roll, please ...

... fish-and-chips.

And it appears that not just any fee-and-chee will do. Indeed, it is the world-renowned victuals from the venerable Ches's Famous Fish & Chips that have so captured Mr Williams's fancy.

The Premier recently confessed to a national publication that even after undergoing surgery to repair a leaky cardiac valve, he still enjoys the grease-drenched treat as often as once per week. (He even demonstrated how his preferred appetizer is a plate of onion rings!) Good on ya.

With that, joining the chorus of well-wishers, we extend our best to Mr Williams. Health, happiness and long may you continue to indulge your piscivorous proclivities.

You may have sprung from a small pond, Mr Premier, but you were never, never the small fish.

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