Saturday, 20 November 2010

My favorite evening snack

Some folks are partial to popcorn. Others swear by their tea and toast. For me, an evening staple is my mixie bowl.

Mixie bowl? Well, that's what I call this top-flight treat.
Preparing a mixie bowl:
Step 1: Grab a bowl
Step 2: Mix a bunch of yummy stuff in it.

OK, so Step 2 is rather wide open. (That's the beauty of it.) Here's what I often include:
Voila, one mixie bowl, best consumed with a spoon and in front of a warm TV.
Now please, don't get hung up on the ingredients I tend to use. Embrace the mixie bowl's enormous potential for variety.
For instance, drop the chocolate chips and crumble in a chocolate wafer. Or skip the flax and sprinkle in some granola. It's limitless.
Yes, a mixie bowl -- different every time, but always yummy. Why not raid the fridge and/or the baking cupboard and see for yourself?
And if you're inclined, drop me a note, describing the spin you'd put on a mixie bowl.
P.S. Case you're wondering, a mixie bowl is what I was referring to near the bottom of my About page.

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