Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Mining the depths, snackwise

This little episode of urban archaeology took place yesterday. In my very own home. In my freezer.

Head-and-shoulders into the icebox in seach of something-or-other, Fred uncovered buried treasure. The edible kind.

Yup, nestled behind the frozen yogurt, deep beneath the green beans, way, way, way in the back, lay three pieces of homemade cake. Oh, joy.

Seriously, what rivals the thrill of unearthing a long-forgotten snack? (Well, provided it's not overgrown with green scuzz.) When he chipped that ziplock bag free and wiped away enough frost for me to read the label, my eyes must have bulged. Whoo-hoo. Bonus!

I had baked this gem of a cake — a zesty blueberry-lemon — months ago, and enjoyed it tremendously at the time (I remember that). But it had since lain abandoned, in its icy cocoon.

In no time, Fred had unwrapped a piece, nuked it and served it to me — with a side of frozen yogurt, no less. All while I was couchbound, fighting a cold. The timing couldn't have been better.

Mmm, and did it ever tickle my innards.

Who knows? Perhaps it's time you took on some excavating. Leftover pie in the back of the fridge? Chocolate-chip cookies in the corner cupboard? Bag of dill-pickle chips in the storage closet?

You might be (pleasantly) surprised over what treats lay in wait.

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