Thursday, 17 March 2011

Drawn like a magnet: once again

I'll be continuing from yesterday's post ... but before I throw open my freezer, allow me to pass on some tips for managing the contents of fridge and freezer. Nothing complex here, but these practices certainly boost the odds of having first-class snack material at hand.
Tip 1: Attach your grocery list to the refrigerator door. Update it immediately upon running low on any given item. Without fail.

Tip 2: Keep a "Leftovers" list. (The fridge door is a good place for this, too.) This list is where, when you open a package of sliced meat, for example, you'd take note of this item. That way, it's less likely to wander off behind a wall of bottles and sprout fur before you can enjoy it.

Tip 3: Package freezer-bound foods (especially those that are prone to sticking together) into single-serving portions before freezing. Voila, just extract and microwave. You'll never have to brandish the ice-pick again.

Simple measures, yes, but believe me, they make a big diff.

Now, here's what's in my freezer today:
  • waffles (homemade)
  • muffins (homemade)
  • bagels (pre-sliced)
  • frozen berries (strawberries, blueberries)
  • frozen yogurt (vanilla)
  • ice-cream (Haagen-Dazs "green tea & honey vanilla")
OK, OK, don't hassle me about that last item. A girl is entitled to a few vices.  ;‍-‍)

That's it — and that's loads. Counting freezer plus fridge plus snackcupboard, I'm certainly not short on quick-bite material.

Yes, a smidge of preparation: I highly recommend it. You'll be grateful for it too, next time the munchies come a-creeping.

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