Saturday, 5 March 2011

Big on snacks ... in a small kitchen

Ye who are modestly endowed, kitchenwise, take heart. I stand as proof that when it comes to snack-making, size doesn't matter.
'Tis true. One does not require a big, fancy cooking space, nor state-of-the-art gadgetry, to prepare bang-up snack food.
Here's a glimpse at Snack HQ:
Note that my kitchen weighs in at about 85 square feet, humble whichever way you slice it. And it sports no automatic dishwasher. [Why bother, I say, as long as I have Fred.  ;-) ]
To me, far more important than size is my kitchen window, which is above the sink. I find the view of the garden to be so pleasant and soothing. Inspiring, even.
Also important, so I've found, is to keep countertops as clear as possible. While this takes discipline and ingenuity — granted, I'm far from perfect — the effort is worthwhile. Uncluttered surfaces foster a relaxing atmosphere and make things far easier in those moments when inspiration hits. I wanna bake some brownies ... now!
Two particular features I do appreciate are my:
  • double sink, which is super handy
  • central island, which I use constantly.
But even conveniences like these are hardly necessary. There are always workarounds and ways to improvise.
So I encourage you, if you're keen on creating wonderful treats, don't let modest preparation space stunt your drive or imagination. Recall Julie Powell, for instance, who cooked her way through Julia Child's "Mastering the Art of French Cooking" in a tiny kitchen in Queens.
Remember, in this life, it's hardly ever size that counts. It's how you use it.

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