Sunday, 5 December 2010

One cracker-jack recipe

Crackers. They don't just come in boxes. You can bake them, too. In your kitchen.

This is good because:
1) crackers are only the most versatile snack ever,
2) baking them is fun (so simple, and you can really dig in with your hands),
3) it'll totally impress your friends, and
4) the crackers are so much tastier knowing you've made them yourself. 
Rye crackersIngredients
  • 1 1/2 cups rye flour
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • your favorite small seed (e.g. poppy, sesame)
  1. Dissolve salt in 1/2 cup cold water, then add to flour. Mix with wooden spoon.
  2. Form dough into ball.
  3. Split dough ball into two balls, placing each on a floured, lined baking pan.
  4. Attack dough with rolling pin. Aim to get dough as thin as possible (before it begins breaking apart).
  5. Use knife to score into cracker-sized squares.
  6. Spray lightly with water, prick with a fork and sprinkle on some seeds.
  7. Bake at 350°F for approx 25 minutes (see below).
  8. Remove from pan and place on cooling rack.
Baking time will depend on how thin you've rolled your dough. So keep a close eye on the oven, especially the first time you're giving this recipe a whirl.

I broke away some of the outer, thinner crackers after 25 minutes (i.e. areas I didn't want overbaked). The rest I allowed to bake for an addiitonal 5 minutes.

They tasted great warm, especially with a little butter and some berry jam. As for the few I managed not to gobble immediately, when they reached room temperature, I stored them in an air-tight container.

Oh, another good thing about this recipe is that it contains no preservatives. Yay!

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