Saturday, 16 July 2011

Location, location, location

For me, certain snacks are linked to certain places. They just go together. From force of habit, I suppose.

Count me peculiar, but as I see it, a good deal of the pleasure of any place where I spend time comes from what I tend to eat there. (Oh, the memories.)
snacking in the woods
Everybody has their favorite places for indulging. Here are mine:
Sarah's top 6 snacking spots
6) In my car
The trusty Toyota has been the site of plenty of good eating: while parked, on the fly, driver's seat, passenger's seat, you name it. To be prepared, I keep handwash in the glove compartment and a stash of trail mix (at the least) in the trunk.
5) On the sports field
I play a heap of ultimate frisbee — too much, it could be said — so staying energized is key. I stock my kit bag with protein bars, nuts and dried fruit, and will often tuck in a fresh banana, bagel or the like. Unsure what this says about my play, but I usually deem between-point bites as the highlight of any game.
4) At work
Without a mid-morning and mid-afternoon pick-me-up, I'd be dozing, face down in a file. Nothing chases away the zombie-lurking-within like a handful of almonds, preferably the kind frocked in dark chocolate.
3) While travelling
Stir-fried crocodile in Adelaide. Stewed fruit-bat in Port Vila. Weasel coffee in Hanoi. For me and Fred, food adventures are tops, and a great way to begin learning about a foreign locale.
2) In the woods
Don't get out there often enough, but when I do, I love it. With fresh air swirling and the miles rolling by, a woman can really work up an appetite. (A guilt-free appetite, at that. Bonus!) Nuts, jerky, dried fruits and veggies, hunks of fresh parmesan, and chocolate — Mmm — are all staples.
1) On my sofa
Ooh, just give me my red sofa, my blanket, a sappy movie, a coffee table laden with munchies ... and I'm home, sweet, home.

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