Smoothies make top-notch treats.
Packed with protein and other good stuff, smoothies serve as excellent post-workout snacks. They also serve as handy, and healthy, meal replacements.
Lip-smacking Smoothie
Place the following in a blender:
Cover, then simply blend, pour and savour.
Notice I've been imprecise about quantities. That's intentional. Just follow your preferences and trust your instincts. You can always add more liquid or solids to fine-tune the consistency.
You might be surprised at how full-on yummy this is without added flavorings or sweeteners. There are sufficient sources of sugar already in there to balance out the cocoa powder.
Anyhow, the above formulation makes two portions, more or less. That's convenient, because snacks definitely taste better when shared with a loved one or friend.
Fred and I tend to make smoothies cooperatively. We've so nailed the process that we can whip one together, start to finish, during a TV commercial. (Ha, imagine my mamma's pride.)
P.S. Might interest you to know that this particular recipe is essentially the liquid version of my "mixie bowl", my favorite evening snack (which I posted about a while back).
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